“Carnival, for us, was important. it was something that took charge with a very strong traditional view. Consequently, the carnival singing encouraged us, informed us and educated us “[Bonga, angolan musician].
By magic or cunning, Carnival - an ancient festival in Europe - has become a major Black atlantic cultural event. Be it in the Americas or Africa, the carnival found people with different festival traditions and became a leading symbol for the black world.
Mixing repertoires, Black atlantic carnivals flourished with new clothes and acquired different forms in places where they developed. Questioning matters of aesthetics, socio-economics, political, ethnic, religious, technological and philosophical, this festival is a rich reservoir of ideas.
The communication and cultural exchange facilitated by the internet allow black cultures to experience a process of diverse and cosmopolitan cultural revival, based on information between artistic and behavioural repertoires.
These cultural exchanges in the post-internet black world is what i call the third diaspora, the virtual displacement of texts, sounds and images caused by the communication of the black people, powered by electronic globalization and the web, digitally connecting the cultural repertoires of the atlantic cities.
Through websites that host videos that can be freely browsed one learns about the carnivals of Brazil, Santiago de Cuba, Port-au-Prince in Haiti, Port of spain, Trinidad, New Orleans, in the United States, Luanda, in Angola, and London, England (in districts with high Caribbean population), to name just a few of the manifestations that have become worldwide media spectacles.
Among the diverse aesthetic references of the black world, the carnival is perhaps one of the most important cultural icons of the West. It is in the minds of people who move physically or virtually to experience the carnival to live and get to know the rhythms and body movements. After all, the atlantic carnivals show the extraordinary wealth which is triggered by the force of the African Diaspora and its cultural production.
Goli Guerreiro * Edits the blog www.terceiradiaspora.blogspot.com from Bahia Salvador, is a traveller and amateur photographer who recorded scenes of daily life in the atlantic cities about which he writes and directs audiovisual shows. She has a post-doctorate in urban anthropology and is the author of the book the Story of the drums - african-pop music from salvador (Publisher 34, 2000) and Third Diaspora - black cultures in the atlantic world (Publisher Corrupio, 2010)
culturas negras no mundo atlântico
sound system em salvador; luta de arena em dakar; performances no harlem, ny; carnaval em londres; cafés literários na martinica; emancipation celebration em trinidad; salões de beleza afro em paris; artes visuais em luanda; festival de vodum em uidá. a terceira diáspora é o deslocamento virtual de signos - discos, filmes, cabelos, slogans, gestos, modas, bandeiras, ritmos, ícones - provocado pelo circuito de comunicação da diáspora negra. potencializado pela globalização eletrônica e pela web, coloca em conexão digital os repertórios culturais de cidades atlânticas. uma primeira diáspora acontece com os deslocamentos do tráfico de africanos; uma segunda diáspora se dá pela via dos deslocamentos voluntários, com a migração e o vai-e-vem em massa de povos negros. diásporas_estéticas em movimento.
livros completos para download
livro 1
livro 2
quem sou eu
- goli guerreiro
- antropóloga, viajante e fotógrafa amadora, registro cenas do cotidiano em cidades negras das américas do norte e do sul, caribe, europa, áfrica e brasil, sobre as quais pesquiso, escrevo e realizo mostras audiovisuais. meu porto principal é salvador da bahia onde moro. Goli edits the blog www.terceiradiaspora.blogspot.com from Bahia Salvador, is a traveller and amateur photographer who recorded scenes of daily life in the atlantic cities about which she writes and directs audiovisual shows. She has a post-doctorate in urban anthropology and is the author of the book "The Plot of the Drums - african-pop music from Salvador" and "Third Diaspora - black cultures in the atlantic world".
terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2011
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